The Alarm System
Summary: A brief timeline of Alarm Systems
The need to protect properties had surface even at prehistoric ages. Cave people make use of ‘alarms’ such as traps and springs to protect their property. When animal husbandry was learned by man, dogs and mutts are tethered near the valuables to function both as alarm and guard.
In the middle ages, early alarms systems were in forms of large gongs which are struck in case of disaster and emergency. In the outposts, bonfires atop a structure (usually a watch tower) are used to warn settlements of impeding invasions.
The first true alarm system surfaced in 1852 and Edwin Holmes was the inventor. A simplistic device, it was actually a solenoid gong which sounded when the trip wire was disturbed. The alarm system was nothing compared to today’s technology but in the industrial revolution era, where great inventions also surfaced like the electrical power generation and early forms of telephones, this invention was warmly received. And the inventions complimented each other too, especially for alarm systems and electrical transmissions which were shortly integrated into the device.
Alarms systems during this century make extensive use of DC alarm circuits and relays. These forms of alarm systems are wound along window sills and around door jambs coupled with conductive lead foil and magnetic or mechanical switches laced with thin resilient wire. Invisible trip wires and wooden dowel alarm screen are also state of the art.
It was another century later when alarm systems took a lengthier stride into advancement, with the advent of IC, circuit wafers, and nanotechnology. Smaller units integrated with microwave and ultrasonic motion sensors with entrance and exit delays are the modern forms of alarm systems. Perimeter sensors and live video feed was already a mainstay to most designs. Bell rings (on doors) are also a new innovation for alarm systems. All these technologies are still being used in abundance even to these days.
Alarms also made a sudden turn to other areas. Like the Bell ring, alarm systems are now used monitor volcanoes and earthquakes. Unconventional alarm systems such as the atmospheric alarm for space vehicles used to supervise the oxygen content and thermal heat regulator in foundries and mines.
Today, alarm systems have advanced even further. The rapid and expanded use of the network and web revolutionized the alarm systems definitely, as alarm systems have gone intelligent. Now, they sort problems themselves, minimize false alarms by identifying triggers, measuring size, weight and environmental factors. Some even detect internal circuitry problems, ensuring these alarm systems are functioning properly.
In an attempt to stay ahead of dangers, alarm system manufacturers have always integrated latest technology into the latest alarm system design. Guaranteed as technology moves still further, alarm systems will also keep pace with the latest tirelessly. Oftentimes, it’s just a matter of speculation how far will these systems.
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