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Fiber Optics Transmission

Fiber Optics Transmission

Have you tried playing message relay that the Boy and Girl scouts play during one of those jamborees? Message relay requires five or more players in each team. A uniform message will be passed from one person to the last member of the team. Then the message shall be read aloud to find if the message received is the same as the one being sent by the first member. The team who gets the exact almost the same to the original message wins the game. Such is the dynamics of data transmission.

The challenge in transmitting data is to get the message to the receiver exactly the same with the one than was sent so much the better if data transmission is faster. Data transmission will go through many obstacles like interference. In the case of the game, the interference is the obstruction from the outside and the destruction from other people watching the game. Coaxial copper wire is challenged by the electromagnetic interference, which greatly affects the quality of data that is transmitted.

Fiber optics transmission works in the same general principle wherein a data in the form of light wave is sent from one point passing through the fibers’ core until it reaches to the receiver’s point. The data shall then be decoded and interpreted. In fiber optics transmission of data in surveillance cameras, the camera captures the image, and then it sends the image through the fiber optics channel to the hub where the images can be seen from the television monitors as in the case of closed-circuit television.

Fiber optics transmission is made possible by linking multiple fiber optics cables from a coming from different location to a single storage. Imagine the network of computer in many offices say fro example, a call center. The hundreds of computers lining up are being connected with use of fiber optics technology so that fiber optics transmission is achieved clearly and fast. With the use of available Internet or intranet, data is being transmitted passing through different paths and going through several directions in a speed of light. Because of the innate data capacity of fiber optics transmission, sending huge file is now made possible.

The same is true with telecommunications, wherein thousands of telephones are connected with the use of fiber optics. Fiber optics transmission of telephone messages are now clearer, unlike the olden days where telephone were used to be connected using coaxial copper wires that produces static sound thus, affecting the message sent.

Fiber optics technology is very utilized because of its data transmission capabilities that never fail the end-users of this friendly technology.